Mr. Institution

Så er singlen “Mr. Institution”    klar til dine ører på din favorit stream.
Nedenfor er der link til singlen på youtube, og der er credits samt lyrik under coverbilledet.
Link til et blogindlæg om hele grundlaget for sangen.

Mr. Institution – youtube


D-I-H (Dan Ingemann Hansen): Komponist, Forfatter, Arrangement, Vokal, Guitar
Lars Rahbek Andresen: Producer, Mix, Keys, Percussion
Morten Hellborn: Trommer
Jesper Haugaard: Bas
Jakob Groth: Mastering
@Midgorm: Cover art – olie på lærred

Indspilning, mix og master i Medley Studios vinter 2021/2022

All rights reserved © D-I-H 2022

Mr. Institution – lyrik:

Hey little Quarter pound girl
Uh, what a wonderful world
We’ll give you a beautiful life
With doctors, nurses and knives
If you thought you could choose
The easy way and die
I’m sorry little babe 
For your coming life of cry

‘Cause I – I am Mr. Institution
And I – I am paid to extend your life – your life
Until the day the meat oh, separates from the bones
And your brain blows out with a sneeze
Until the day the cells are willing
To walk on their own to the grave

Hey Mrs. Eyes full of tears
Uh, you’re the next one in line
We’ll build up your body
We’ll make it look like 29
You can scream, you can shout
It won’t do you any good
If you thought you could RIP
I have to disappoint you

‘Cause I – I am Mr. Institution
And I – I am paid to extend your life – your life
Until the day the meat oh, separates from the bones
And your brain blows out with a sneeze
Until the day the cells are willing
To walk on their own to the grave

Ohh – to the grave